Day 8

January 5th, 2017

The benches have been a great success to gather the community together. We got more colored tiles and began filling in the surroundings of the designs we made yesterday. It took the whole day to work. People were passing by and helping out putting pieces of ceramic on the benches to create the designs. Children came to help and some stayed the entire day. More people came asking and commenting on what we are doing. One TV reporter came for an interview today and another returned to update his report. In the mean time part of the group worked on building an obelisk, a large rectangular form, that was put around a dead tree. Cement was poured into the form in order to create a rectangular pillar which we will put a mosaic design later this week. 

In the late afternoon we each got to go horseback riding on the beach right by the hotel we are staying at. For some of the participants it was the first time in a horse and others not. This project has provided first time opportunities for many of the participants.